OASAS has developed a multi-media campaign to highlight the availability of vital addiction prevention, treatment and recovery services for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether you need to talk or are worried that you will go into withdrawal or relapse, the OASAS providers and services New Yorkers rely on are available via phone or video technology or from a safe distance in person.
Public Service Announcements
Help is Still Available Amid the COVID-19 pandemic
La Ayuda Sigue Disponible en Medio de la Pandemia de COVID-19
Print Materials
Addiction Services Continue
If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction to alcohol, drugs, or gambling, the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports continues to provide help amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Servicios y Apoyos de Adicciones del Estado de Nueva York continúa
Spanish. Addiction services continue.
Supporting Children
Supporting children to calm fears and manage stress during the COVID-19 emergency.