CASAC Reinstatement Mandatory Trainings List

Complete the necessary training to reinstate a CASAC credential that has been expired for longer than one year.
CASAC Reinstatement Mandatory Trainings List

Reinstate a CASAC credential that has been expired for longer than one year

To reinstate a CASAC credential that has been expired for longer than one year, 75 hours of trainings listed below must be completed by selecting each training title. These are the only trainings acceptable to reinstate your credential. 

For the majority of the trainings, a certificate can be obtained through the OASAS Answerkey Portal by taking a test for each training completed. 

  • The trainings marked with a single asterisk (*) indicate that the certificate will be provided by the training provider's website. 
  • The trainings marked with a double asterisk (**) indicate that the training provider does not provide a completion certificate. For double asterick (**) trainings, you must go to answerkey to sign an attestation that you completed the training. 

For help, please contact the Training Unit at [email protected].

Required Trainings


10.75 hours required


Addiction and Mental Health

20.25 hours required


Please complete an additional 19.25 hours of your choosing from the list below:


Harm Reduction

6 hours required


Person Centered Care

4.5 hours required


Evidence Based Practices for Addiction Treatment

12.5 hours required


Medication for Opioid Disorder and Medication for Addiction Treatment

8 hours required


Mandated Reporter Training

2 hours required


Cultural Humility and Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

6 hours required


LOCADTR-Level of Care Determination

3 hours required


Opioid Overdose Prevention Training

1 hour required


Screening for Suicide Risks and Creating Safety Plans

1 hour required


OASAS Guidance Documents

You must read the following documents in their entirety. 

Once complete, go to the OASAS Answerkey Portal under "CASAC Reinstatement-OASAS Guidance Documents" to sign an attestation and receive your certificate. 

Please include the certificate in your submission.

Additional Training for CASAC-G Reinstatement Only

Downloadable Checklist

Download a PDF of the information on this page for personal use to track your completed training.