Reinstate a CASAC credential that has been expired for longer than one year
To reinstate a CASAC credential that has been expired for longer than one year, 75 hours of trainings listed below must be completed by selecting each training title. These are the only trainings acceptable to reinstate your credential.
For the majority of the trainings, a certificate can be obtained through the OASAS Answerkey Portal by taking a test for each training completed.
- The trainings marked with a single asterisk (*) indicate that the certificate will be provided by the training provider's website.
- The trainings marked with a double asterisk (**) indicate that the training provider does not provide a completion certificate. For double asterick (**) trainings, you must go to answerkey to sign an attestation that you completed the training.
For help, please contact the Training Unit at [email protected].
Required Trainings
10.75 hours required
- Confidentiality and Communication (1.5 hr)
- Year of Ethics: Sexual Misconduct (1.0 hr)
- Year of Ethics: Mandated Reporting (1.0 hr)
- Immediate Actions Following the Discovery of a Reportable Incident (1.0 hr)
- Justice Center Oversight and Monitoring (0.75 hr)
- Professional Boundaries and Reporting Requirements (1.0 hr)
- The New Normal - Technology, Telehealth and Ethics (1.0 hr)
- Year of Ethics: Self Care and Counselor Wellness (1.5 hr)
- Year of Ethics: Self Disclosure (1.0 hr)
- Problem Solving and Decision Making in the Clinical Environment (1.0 hr)
Addiction and Mental Health
20.25 hours required
Please complete an additional 19.25 hours of your choosing from the list below:
- Emerging Trends for Problem Gambling (1.0 hr)
- Helping Adults Affected by Another's Gambling (1.25 hr)
- Problem Gambling and Suicide: What This Means for Substance Abuse and Mental Health (1.0 hr) *NYCPG
- The Science of Cannabis (1.25 hr)
- A Year of Cultural Competency: Personality Disorders and Substance Use (1.5 hr)
- Traumatic Loss for Caregivers: The Impact of Suicide and Opioid Overdose (1.0 hr)
- Stimulant Use Disorder (1.0 hr)**
- Xylazine (1.75 hr)
- Methamphetamine Use Disorder (2.0 hr)
- Eating Disorders and SUD (2.75 hr)
- OASAS Prevention Framework (1.5 hr)
- Counseling Clients with Co-occurring Disorders (1.5 hr) **NADAAC
- Adolescent Endorsement Skill Building Role Plays (1.0 hr) *Partnership to End Addiction
- How We Can Identify, Support, & Prevent Trafficked Youth Awareness (1.0 hr)
- Engaging LGBTQ+ Youth and Creating Safe Spaces: How to be an Ally (1.0 hr)
- Treatment of Adolescents with SUD and MAT (3.0 hr) *Partnership to End Addiction
- Native Americans and SUD: Expanding Trauma Informed Care (2.0 hr)
- Trauma Informed Supervision (1.0 hr) *Partnership to End Addiction
- Trauma Informed Service Delivery (0.5 hr) *HealtheKnowledge
- Older Adults and Substance Use Disorder (3.75 hr) *HealtheKnowledge (NAADAC Approved Cert)
- Select Psychotic Disorders and Substance Use (1.25 hr)
Harm Reduction
6 hours required
- Cannabis and Harm Reduction (1.5 hr)
- Harm Reduction is Part of the Treatment Continuum (1.5 hr)
- Person Centered Care and Harm Reduction (3.0 hr) *PTEA
Person Centered Care
4.5 hours required
- TIB: Person Centered Care (1.0 hr) *Partnership to End Addiction (PTEA)
- TIB: Early Treatment Engagement Using Person Centered Care (1.0 hr) *PTEA
- TIB: Shared Decision Making (1.0 hr) *PTEA
- TIB: Treatment Planning for Clinicians (1.5 hr) *PTEA
Evidence Based Practices for Addiction Treatment
12.5 hours required
- Motivational Interviewing: Not Magic or Manipulation (1.75 hr)
- Assessing Readiness for Substance Use Disorder Treatment (1.0 hr)
- Community Reinforcement and Family Training Part I (1.75 hr)
- Community Reinforcement and Family Training: Clinical Techniques Part II (1.0 hr)
- Family Engagement (1.25 hr)
- OASAS SBIRT Screening (4.0 hr) *HealtheKnowledge
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use Disorders (1.0 hr) **NAADAC
- Trauma Informed Approach (0.75 hr) **CPI
Medication for Opioid Disorder and Medication for Addiction Treatment
8 hours required
- Disparities in Overdoses and Access to Medications for Opioid Use Disorders (1.5 hr)
- Supporting Recovery with Medications for Addiction Treatment (2.5 hr) *HealtheKnowledge
- Clinical Support System for Opioid Therapy (3.0 hr) *HealtheKnowledge
- Medications and Gambling Disorder (1.0 hr) *NYCPG
Mandated Reporter Training
2 hours required
- Mandated Reporter Training (2 hours) *NYS OCFS
The certificate must be dated 11/1/22 or after.
Cultural Humility and Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
6 hours required
- Person-Centered Language: Treating the Disease vs. Responding to the Person (1.0 hr)
- Issues Faced by Transgender/Gender Non-Conforming People (1.75 hr)
- A Year of Cultural Competency: What’s Behind Bias (1.0 hr)
- Addressing the Use of Stigmatized Language Towards Persons with SUD (0.75 hr)
- Cultural Humility and Competence (0.5 hr) *HealtheKnowledge
- Understanding the Basics of Race, Ethnicity and Culture (1.0 hr) *HealtheKnowledge
LOCADTR-Level of Care Determination
3 hours required
- LOCADTR for Problem Gambling (0.5 hr)
- LOCADTR 3.0 (1.5 hr)
- LOCADTR Concurrent Review (1.0 hr)
Opioid Overdose Prevention Training
1 hour required
- Opioid Overdose Prevention Basics (1.0 hr) *Partnership to End Addiction
Screening for Suicide Risks and Creating Safety Plans
1 hour required
OASAS Guidance Documents
You must read the following documents in their entirety.
Once complete, go to the OASAS Answerkey Portal under "CASAC Reinstatement-OASAS Guidance Documents" to sign an attestation and receive your certificate.
Please include the certificate in your submission.
Additional Training for CASAC-G Reinstatement Only
14 hours required
- The Application of Treatment Essentials for Problem Gambling (14 hours) *NYCPG
Downloadable Checklist
Download a PDF of the information on this page for personal use to track your completed training.