Due Dates
Annual year-end CFRs are due for submission to OASAS no later than five (5) months after the end of the fiscal reporting period (approximately 150 days).There are no extensions provided.
- Calendar year filers (January 1 – December 31) are required to submit their CFR on or before June 1 of the new year.
- Fiscal year filers (July 1 – June 30) are required to submit their CFR on or before December 1 of the same year.
Sanction Policy
Service providers that do not submit the appropriate year-end CFR by the prescribed submission due dates are subject to the imposition of sanctions or penalties by OASAS.
For more specific information on sanctions refer to the Administrative and Fiscal Guidelines for OASAS-Funded Providers or Local Services Bulletin 2014-21 for non-funded providers.