OASAS is offering the opportunity for not-for-profit community coalitions and not-for-profit agencies to apply for funding to support prevention community coalitions. Up to $4.5 million is available to support substance use /misuse prevention-focused community coalitions to implement environmental strategies to reduce underage and binge alcohol and/or heavy cannabis use.
OASAS will issue one award of up to $150,000 annually for each of the 10 New York State Economic Development Zones (EDZ), for up to $450,000 per coalition over three years. Actual funding for years 2 and 3 will be contingent on program implementation and milestone completion by the coalitions.
Eligible applicants: Not-for-profit community coalitions or not-for-profit agencies that have experience in prevention coalition building. If the coalition does not have 501c 3 status or does not have an established fiscal agent with 501c 3 status, an OASAS-funded provider must be a part of the coalition and act as the fiscal agent for the community coalition. Proprietary entities are not eligible. In addition, the applicant must have or obtain a Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number prior to receiving a contract.
Application and Supporting Documents
Request for Applications: Community Coalitions
The application deadline for this opportunity has passed.
Blank Expense Report - Prevention Community Coalitions
This form is to be used for submitting requests for reimbursement of Expenses pertaining to the Prevention Community Coalitions initiative.