To ensure continued competence and maintenance of skills, the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) requires that your CPP/CPS certificate be renewed every three years.
Credentialing Portal
Approximately 120 days prior to the expiration date of your credential, you will receive an email that serves as notice of expiration. You can access your renewal notice and complete the Renewal Application on the Credentialing Portal at https://credentialing.oasas.ny.gov.
To access the portal, you will need to register using a valid my.ny.gov ID. If you need to create an ID, please go to NY.gov ID Login V4 and select the “Create an Account” link. Note any existing, valid my.ny.gov ID in your name can be used, e.g., if you have an ID that you use for NYS DMV, this ID will also provide you access to the Credentialing Portal.
Paper Applications
If you need to request a paper application, please email [email protected]. Please note in addition to the $150 application processing fee, there is a $50 charge to have a paper application processed. Please include a check or money order in the amount of $200 with your paper application submission.
Important Information
Please Read
All future communications from the Credentialing Unit will now be posted on the portal. OASAS will no longer mail your renewal notice and application to you. It is imperative that you keep your email and address up to date. Access the Credentialing Portal to update your email and address at any time.
Part 853 Credentialing of Addictions Professionals requires the submission of the completed Renewal Application at least 75 days prior to the expiration date of your credential. If it is not submitted within that time frame, you will risk having your credential go into late renewal and be charged an additional late fee. Your credential can be renewed up to one year after expiration. While in late renewal you will not be able to use your credential or use the credential acronyms after your name.
Renewal Requirements
Please review the Renewal Instructions section for all of the Renewal Application requirements.
Continuing Professional Education
You must complete continuing professional education consisting of a minimum of 60 clock hours related to SUD prevention, including the one-time education requirements. One-time requirements only need to be completed one time, not every time you renew.
A continuing requirement for six hours of OASAS approved ethics training will be required upon every renewal. Please note that the Professional Boundaries and Reporting Requirements training must be completed upon every renewal.
For more information on approved trainings please review the Acceptable Training Guidance flyer or visit the Training webpage.
Training certificates will not be submitted with your Renewal Application. Instead, you will sign an Attestation of Education and Training verifying that you have completed the continuing education requirements. You are required to retain records of all education/training you attest to having completed for six years, or two renewal periods and may be subject to an Audit.
Gambling Specialty Designation
If you hold a Gambling Specialty Designation, an additional 10 hours of gambling-related education and/or training must be completed and submitted.
Attestation of Ethical Conduct
As part of the renewal process, you will complete and sign an Attestation of Ethical Conduct, affirming your compliance to ethical standards in your professional behavior during your current Credentialed period. In the Attestation, if you indicate any unethical conduct, you will be provided with an opportunity to provide additional information in the "Additional Remarks" section.
It's important to note that indicating unethical conduct to any question on the Attestation of Ethical Conduct will not automatically prevent you from renewing your Credential. The purpose of the Attestation is to ensure transparency and allow for further clarification if needed.
OASAS will be performing random renewal audits monthly. Those selected for audit will be notified and must submit documentation of the appropriate number of hours of education/training that they attested to completing in the three-year credentialed period identified in the notification.
Falsification or omission of information in this attestation may result in administrative action or filing of a complaint against you by OASAS.
If your credential has been expired for longer than one year, you have the option to reinstate your credential by completing a Reinstatement Application. You can do this at any time after your late renewal period has expired.
Please be aware that Reinstatement Applications include mandatory hours of specific trainings. Visit the Reinstatement Application Instructions page for required trainings.
Your application will be reviewed within 60 days of receipt by the Credentialing Unit. If your application is determined to be incomplete, you will receive a CPP/CPS Renewal Application Review Summary. Outstanding requirements must be satisfactorily addressed prior to the expiration date of your credential, or you will be subject to a $50 late fee.
Once your application is approved, you will be issued a new CPP/CPS certificate that will expire on the last day of the three-year period.
Fee Schedule
All fees for renewal must be in the form of a check or money order and made payable to “NYS OASAS”. All fees are non-refundable.
- Renewal fee: $150; paper submission $200
- Renewal late fee: $50
- Reinstatement: $400/$500 for dual credential; paper submission $450/$500 for dual credential