The New York State Offices of Mental Health and Addiction Services and Supports announce the availability of operational funds and state-aid for the development of 12 new Intensive Crisis Stabilization Centers (ICSCs) within the 10 economic development regions. The Offices are seeking to develop 3 Centers within the New York City economic development region and 9 Centers outside of New York City, one in each of the nine other economic development regions.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants are not-for-profit agencies with 501(c) (3) incorporation that have experience providing mental health and substance use services to persons with serious mental illness and/or substance use disorders.
Application Deadline:
June 9, 2022
Bidders' Conference
A Bidder’s Conference will be held at the date and time listed in the Schedule. Prospective Proposers’ participation in this conference is highly encouraged but not mandatory. The purpose of the Bidder’s Conference is to:
- Provide additional description of the project; and
- Explain the RFP process
Details for the Bidders’ Conference:
- Date/Time – March 23, 2022 from 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
- Join from the meeting link: https://meetny.webex.com/meetny/j.php?MTID=m4ebe7b553ff1ae0309d094d7c3ef2b70
- Join by phone +1-518-549-0500 USA Toll
- Join by meeting number
- Meeting number (access code): 161 861 7255
- Meeting password: 5wfPAFUCs77
The timelines for the RFP is as follows:
Bidders Conference: 3/23/22
Questions would be due by: 4/6/22
Q&A posted: 4/28/22
Proposals due by: 6/9/22
Anticipated Award Notification: 7/ 7/22
Anticipated Award Contract Start Date: 10/1/22
Application and Supporting Documents
Crisis Stabilization Centers - Questions and Answers
Answers to questions from bidders' of the Crisis Stabilization Request for Proposals.
Crisis Stabilization Center Programmatic Guidance
Guidance related to certain provisions of 14 NYCRR Part 600 which establishes standards for Part 600: Crisis Stabilization Centers providing voluntary crisis stabilization services to individuals experiencing mental health and substance use crisis symptoms.Download