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Problem Gambling

Need to talk now for yourself or someone you care about? Call the confidential OASAS HOPEline 24/7 at 1-877-846-7369
Understanding Problem Gambling

Gambling Addiction or Problem Gambling is known as the “hidden addiction” because there are no visible signs.

Unlike alcohol or drug addiction, you can’t visibly see the effects of someone’s gambling. For example, if someone has been drinking, you may smell alcohol, or they may be slurring their speech.

Because of the lack of visibility, those suffering from a gambling addiction can often hide it longer than someone with an alcohol or drug problem.

Despite gambling opportunities being all around us, a survey concluded more than two-thirds of adults in New York do not gamble at all; around 4.4 percent are at risk and less than 1 percent are problem gamblers.

Popular types of gambling are casinos, lottery or scratch-off tickets, mobile sports betting, horse betting, bingo, and raffles.

The Signs of Problem Gambling

Preoccupied with gambling
Lying to others about gambling
Chasing losses
Borrowing money to gamble

Steps To Reduce Gambling Risks

Set and stick to a budget
Limit alcohol intake
Set a time limit
Take frequent breaks
Gamble when you are feeling positive, not escaping from worries or loneliness

Need to talk now for yourself or someone you care about?
NYS OASAS HOPELINE 1-877-846-7369

People close to those with a gambling problem can suffer impacts that include conflicts in relationships, financial strain, and feelings of anger, fear, shame or worry. 

It is important for those affected by the harms associated with gambling to know they can get help too by calling the NYS OASAS HOPEline any time at 1-877-846-7369.

Educational Materials
Increasing Public Awareness
OASAS has a number of digital and print materials related to problem gambling and addiction. Use these materials to encourage and engage in meaningful conversations about addiction and prevention at home, in school or on social media.