Through Opioid Settlement Funds, the NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) is providing $1.3M to small local community organizations in New York state to fund projects up to $9,500. These funds will be awarded on a first come, first served basis; and must be used to address Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and its impacts in at least one of the following priority areas:
1. Harm Reduction,
2. Treatment,
3. Prevention,
4. Recovery,
5. Research,
6. Transportation,
7. Housing,
8. Investments Across the Continuum,
9. Priority Populations,
10. Public Awareness/Anti-Stigma
Application Due Date
Applications will be accepted until 5:00 PM on 10/31/2023. Applications will be considered in the order in which they are received.
Funding Availability
OASAS will issue individual awards of up to $9,500 (limit 1 award per organization) on a first come, first served basis to eligible applicants meeting the criteria listed under the Eligibility section. Funds must be fully spent for a SUD purpose in one or more of the above listed priority areas by 12/15/2024. Funding must be used to supplement and not supplant or replace any other funds, including federal or state funding, which would otherwise have been expended for the SUD purpose (I.e., prevention, treatment, recovery or harm reduction services, etc.). Provided further, general operating funds or baseline funding shall not be reduced due to monies expended from this funding award. Receiving entities must retain financial records that can show supplementation and not supplantation of funds and total program spending for a minimum of ten years after the final report is submitted.
Funding is available to organizations that:
- Have a validated current total revenue of less than $300,000;
- Have a NYS Statewide Financial System (SFS) Supplier ID
- Organizations without an SFS Supplier ID can submit a Substitute Form W-9 to OASAS to obtain a Supplier ID, and will not be eligible to submit an application until a Supplier ID is obtained. (See SFS Supplier ID section below);
- Are registered with the NYS Department of State as a NYS not-for-profit with an entity status of active. https://apps.dos.ny.gov/publicInquiry/#search;
- Are not on the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctions list https://sanctionssearch.ofac.treas.gov/;
- Are deemed a vendor in good standing by OASAS (Attachment C: Vendor Integrity Questionnaire);
- Submitted a signed Executive Order 16 (EO-16) (Attachment D: EO16);
- Complied with all other terms of the application.
Any applications not meeting ALL the requirements above may be returned to the applicant with the reason for the return clearly stated.
Corrected applications may be resubmitted. Upon resubmission, the application will receive a new submission date.
Scope of Work Criteria
Applicants must complete the Attachment A: Scope of Work part of the application. This scope of work will be reviewed on a pass-fail basis. Only a scope of work that meets the following criteria will be approved. These funds are to address SUD and its impacts in at least one (1) of the ten (10) areas listed above and:
- Be 4,700 characters or less;
- State the goals of the project and how it supports the SUD community;
- State the specific outcomes you desire when the project is completed;
- State the steps you will take to carry out the project and include a timeline for project completion;
- State how you will evaluate the activity and how it will achieve the goal(s);
- Provide a clear cost breakdown of the requested funds.
Any submitted Attachment A: Scope of Work not meeting ALL the requirements above may be returned to the applicant with the reason for the return clearly stated.
Corrected applications may be resubmitted. Upon resubmission, the application will receive a new submission date.
The reporting of the use of the funding is required no later than 12/23/2024, or 90 days after project completion. The applicant must submit an evaluation of the project detailed in the scope of work and the amount of funding spent. The detailed use of the funding should be at least 5,000 characters and must attest to actual project spending.
Failure to report and sign the attestation will require the repayment of the awarded funds and result in the loss of eligibility for future awards.
The reporting form is found at https://oasas.formstack.com/forms/osf_sett_23019_local_impact_initiatives
Repayment of Advance
Upon review of the report, if there is any underspending, the underspent amount must be returned to OASAS. OASAS will reach out to the applicant at this time to determine the best method of repayment.
Executive Order 16
In accordance with Executive Order No. 16, State Entities are directed to refrain from entering into any new contract or renewing any existing contract with an entity conducting business operations in Russia. On March 24, 2022, the United States, in coordination with the European Union and the Group of Seven (G-7), imposed sanctions on an additional 400 25 Russian individuals and entities. The federal sanctions include efforts to block moves by Russian entities and individuals to evade the sanctions imposed or to use international reserves. While the federal sanctions seek to target specific entities and individuals within Russia, Executive Order No. 16 is intended to ensure that New York State is not entering into contracts with entities conducting business in Russia and thereby indirectly supporting Russia’s unjustified war against the Ukrainian people. In order to comply with Executive Order No. 16, State Entities must obtain a certification from applicants as part of a solicitation for a new contract or extension of an existing contract. Such Applicant certification shall be made utilizing Attachment D.
NYS SFS Supplier ID
The Statewide Financial System also referred to as SFS is New York State government’s accounting and financial management system. To receive an award from the OASAS, applicants are required to have an account within SFS.
Any organization wishing to apply who currently does not have a State Financial System (SFS) Supplier ID must first obtain a Supplier ID before they apply. To obtain a Supplier ID please submit a Substitute Form W-9 found below to [email protected].
Applicants that are unsure if they have a supplier ID should reach out to [email protected] for confirmation.
Submit Inquiries to
- Submit inquiries to [email protected]
- Subject: Inquiry OASAS SETT-23019 Local Impact, “Funding Recipient Name”
Submit Application to
- Submit the application to [email protected]
- Subject: OASAS SETT-23019 Local Impact, “Funding Recipient Name”
Application and Supporting Documents
Local Impact Initiative 2023 Application
Application for OASAS Project Opioid Settlement Funds SETT – 23019 Local Impact Initiative 2023