OASAS is the lead agency responsible for the monitoring and oversight of the New York Opioid Settlement Fund. This includes the distribution of Regional Abatements to localities for specific initiatives that address and reduce the impact of addiction and opioid use disorder in communities across New York.
Each year, funds are made available to 55 Local Governmental Units, five large cities, and 21 other litigating entities. The amount available to each entity is calculated based on a formula using population, overdose death rates, and mental health and equity indicators.
As specified in the Settlement Agreement, State Statute and in the 2023 Opioid Settlement Fund Advisory Board report, the allowable use of funds and identified priority areas are available to inform the local subdivisions and should be considered when utilizing settlement dollars. These priority areas include investments across the service continuum, harm reduction, recovery, housing, treatment, priority populations, prevention, transportation, research, and public awareness. Notably, four themes were identified as guiding principles for developing and prioritizing the Board’s recommendations: service integration to best treat co-occurring disorders, service equity, prioritizing communities of color, and meaningful evaluation that demonstrates reduced suffering and positive impacts on the social determinants of health.
All Projects
Open Projects refers to projects that are currently being offered through the Opioid Settlement Funding initiative. Awarded projects list refers to projects that are passed the deadline to apply for the funding. Additional details including eligibility, scope of work (where applicable), and expense reports for each funding opportunity can be found on each project page.
Be sure to check all available funding opportunities for not-for-profit organizations, local government units, and other businesses and help support a comprehensive system of addiction services.
Open Projects
Recovery Residences Request for Applications – SETT 24029
Approximately $5,000,000 of Opioid Settlement Funding is available toward this effort and will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis throughout New York State until funds are exhausted. The funding opportunity is for newly certified Recovery Residence providers to enhance their current residence sites and operations.
Awarded Projects
Comprehensive Low-Threshold Buprenorphine Services SETT-23001
$7,500,000 is currently available to support Comprehensive Low-Threshold Buprenorphine Programs through a maximum of 15 awards; each award may be up to $500,000; an additional two years of funding may be provided as available. OASAS seeks to award at least one program in each of the 10 Empire State Development (ESD) Regions.
Comprehensive Integrated Outpatient Treatment Program SETT-23004
More than $8 million in funding is available for the development of Comprehensive Integrated Outpatient Treatment Programs throughout the state of New York. A Comprehensive Integrated Outpatient Treatment Program has co-located Part 822 Outpatient Services and Opioid Treatment Programs (OTP) services under one PRU or operating certificate.
Outreach and Engagement Services – Clinic Model SETT-23005
Through Opioid Settlement Funds, OASAS is seeking applications for the delivery of outreach and engagement services following a clinic model. Eligible applicant information and other details can be found in the RFA.
Outreach and Engagement Services – Street Outreach Model SETT-23006
OASAS is seeking applications for the delivery of street-level outreach and engagement services to populations with greater difficulty accessing harm reduction, substance use disorder treatment, and recovery support services. Funding of more than $3.7 million is currently available to eligible applicants for Year 1. Up to $250,000 per awardee is subsequently available for Year 2.
Connections to Care SETT-23008
$2.2 million is available via RFA to establish Connections to Care programs. Maximum of 11 awards of up to $200,000 per year for an anticipated three-year period. Eligible applicants can apply for a maximum of one award.
Community Prevention Coalitions: Fentanyl, Opioids, Rx SETT-23009
$1.4 million in funding is available for this initiative to fund seven (7) applicants up to $200,000 each to establish Fentanyl, Opioids, Rx coalitions, which will build on the successful implementation of evidence-based opioid and heroin use prevention strategies.
Youth Education and Engagement - SETT-23011
$4 million in Opioid Settlement Funds are available for the development of primary prevention education programs to work with schools who have a higher than average Opioid Burden as defined by DOH which includes opioid overdose deaths, non-fatal outpatient emergency department visits and hospital discharges involving opioid abuse, poisoning, dependence and unspecified use.
Non-Medical Transportation- SETT-23015
Approximately $6.3 million is available to serve up to 13 applicants at $240,000 each per year for two years based on funding availability.
Comprehensive Integrated Outpatient Treatment Programs - SETT-23016
Over $8 million in one-time funding is available for up to 15 individual awards to integrate OTP services and offer comprehensive integrated outpatient treatment.
Local Impact Initiatives - SETT-23019
$1.3 million is being made available to support small local community organizations working on initiatives to address substance use disorder.
Local Impact Initiatives Round 2 - SETT 23025
OASAS is awarding up to $9,500 in funding through the Opioid Settlement Fund, on a first come, first served basis, to local community organizations in New York state for projects that address Substance Use Disorder (SUD).
Leadership Institute - RFP 23027 (Amended 2-21-24)
OASAS is seeking bidders to develop a leadership institute for 500 to 1,000 current or soon-to-be middle management-level staff working across the state in the OASAS Substance Use Disorder (SUD) continuum of care and services.
Comprehensive Outpatient Treatment Programs - RFA 24028
More than $9.5 million is being made available for the development of Comprehensive Outpatient Treatment Programs throughout the state of New York.
Government Academic Research and Evaluation - RFP 23026 (Amended 2-16-24)
OASAS is seeking to partner with an academic institution to expand and enhance the monitoring and evaluation of the substance use and addiction service and treatment programs and initiatives supported by Opioid Settlement Funds. OASAS seeks to make one award for up to $300,000 per year for 3 years.
What's Related
- View all available funding opportunities for not-for-profit organizations, local governmental units, and other businesses and help support a comprehensive system of addiction services.
- Supplemental Block Grant Funding Initiatives offer supplemental funding to eligible parties; Grantees use awarded funds for prevention, treatment, recovery support, and other supportive services.
Community Input
OASAS holds regular calls with the community to address opioid settlement fund initiatives. Catch up on these meetings on Youtube, download transcripts of previous Question and Answer sessions, and see upcoming meetings below.