The Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) oversees one of the nation’s largest Substance Use Disorder and gambling treatment systems of care in New York State with more than 1,700 prevention, treatment and recovery programs serving over 680,000 individuals per year. This includes the direct operation of 12 Addiction Treatment Centers where our doctors, nurses, and clinical staff provide inpatient and residential services to approximately 5,000 individuals per year. The agency inspects and monitors over 900 chemical dependence treatment programs to guarantee the quality of care and to ensure compliance with state and national standards.
OASAS is the single designated state agency responsible for the coordination of state-federal relations in the area of addiction services.
- Provides accessible, cost-effective quality services;
- Strengthens communities, schools and families through prevention;
- Improves lives through treatment;
- Meets individual needs through specialized services;
- Fosters partnerships for improved services;
- Links programs with research to improve results;
- Plans for the future to improve and strengthen prevention and treatment;
- Promotes a productive, well-trained workforce;
- And provides hope for happier, productive lives.
The Office also monitors gambling and substance use and abuse trends in the state,
- Provides a comprehensive education and prevention program through approximately 160 school- and community-based providers;
- Promotes public awareness and citizen involvement through community action groups;
- Pursues state, federal and private sources of funding for services;
- Links clients served by other agencies and within the criminal justice system to addiction services;
- Provides education and training for persons dealing with clients;
- And administers the credentialing of alcoholism and substance abuse counselors as well as problem gambling counselors, prevention practitioners, and prevention specialists.