This information is for OASAS Certified Part 822 outpatient programs who wish to treat individuals with a co-occurring or primary problem gambling disorder. OASAS Certified Part 822 outpatient programs are encouraged to apply for a designation under Part 857 - Problem Gambling Treatment and Recovery Services. Programs will follow the Part 857 regulation in addition to all applicable operating regulations for the Part 822 outpatient program.
The Problem Gambling designation is intended to increase flexibility for programs to provide needed services based on the needs of each client. Gambling LOCADTR, a web-based tool that is used by Gambling treatment providers, Medicaid Managed Care plans, and other referral sources to determine the most appropriate level of care for a client with Problem Gambling or a Gambling disorder, should be used to assist in the identification of the level of care most appropriate to the needs of the individual.
Submit the Application and Attachments to [email protected] with the subject line “Problem Gambling Designation (Part 857)."
Problem Gambling Services Application (PPD-17)
Schedule required for approval to provide Problem Gambling Services .