Shot of building from Empire State Plaza

Procurement and Funding Opportunities

A list of current OASAS opportunities plus information and resources on doing business with New York State
Procurement and Funding Opportunities


OASAS provides funding to not-for-profit organizations, local governmental units, and other businesses to support a comprehensive system of addiction services for all New Yorkers. The competitive procurement process enables OASAS to combat addiction at the local level by supporting new programs and expanding existing services for substance use disorders and compulsive gambling.

OASAS procures for a number of goods and services, including but not limited to: 

  • Substance Use Disorder services and programs; 
  • OASAS Addiction Treatment Center supplies and equipment;
  • Office services, supplies, and equipment;
  • Information technology services, systems, and equipment and;
  • Telecommunications equipment and services.

Providers who receive funding via Supplemental Block Grant Funding Initiatives (SAPT Initiatives) are reminded to submit their monthly Expense Reports or vouchers to [email protected].

Current Opportunities

As necessary, bids are requested to address the programmatic and operational needs of the agency.

OpportunityDue Date
RFA No. 24031 Street Outreach
April 1, 2025
RFA No. 24029 Recovery Residencies
July 31, 2025
RFP No. 24004 Opioid Treatment Access and Dosage Registry 
February 4, 2025
RFP No. 23022 Gambling, Health, and Recreational Behaviors Study
January 21, 2025
Amended RFI 24001 State Aid Budgeting and Reporting System (SABRS) Development and Maintenance
May 30, 2024
RFA No. 22110 Harm Reduction Services
December 4, 2023
Recovery Friendly Workplace Tax Credit Program
January 15, 2024


What's Related

Recent expansions of the federal Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant program resulted in supplemental funding to states and territories annually to help plan, implement, and evaluate activities that prevent and treat substance abuse and promote public health. Supplemental Block Grant Funding Initiatives offer supplemental funding to eligible parties; Grantees use awarded funds for prevention, treatment, recovery support, and other supportive services.

Opioid Settlement Funding Initiatives include Request for Applications, regional abatements and guidance for localities on the use of opioid settlement dollars.


Required Forms

Standard forms and appendices are required when responding to solicitations or during contract negotiations. The form(s) required for a particular procurement will be outlined within that procurement.

Pre-qualification applications, e-payment authorization, and Minority and Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE) and Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses (SVDOB) waivers are also available here. 

Find Forms

Bidder Responsibilities


  • Not-for-profit organizations must pre-qualify to do business with New York State prior to applying for any State grants. Vendors are responsible for maintaining an active pre-qualification status. To pre-qualify: Register with the Grants Gateway, complete an online application, and upload organizational documents.
  • All vendors are required to complete Vendor Responsibility Questionnaires with the New York State Office of the State Comptroller (OSC), prior to the execution of a contract.
  • Quarterly reporting of Minority and Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE) and Service-Veteran-Disabled Owned Business (SVDOB) utilization of certified subcontractors or suppliers are required for some contracts. Reporting templates and instructions can be found under Forms.
    • The threshold for reporting is $100,000 or more for construction contracts and $25,000 or more for service and commodity contracts.
  • Vendors are encouraged to sign up for paperless payments (e-payments). Enrolling is easy, and New York State can begin processing electronic payments to you within two days.
  • The NYS Joint Commission on Public Ethics has vendor guidance, public disclosure, and enforcement information regarding New York State Ethics Law. 
  • Visit Open Book New York for information on local and State government spending and other financial information.
  • Check the status of recent transactions with New York State, including invoicing, purchase orders, and payments by visiting the Office of the State Comptroller's Vendor Self Service Portal.


OASAS is committed to promoting procurement opportunities for Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs) and Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses (SDVOB). Utilization Plans identifying M/WBE and SDVOB subcontractor and supplier participation for the contract are required and reviewed prior to award of the contract.

➔Find a Certified Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprises M/WBE)

➔Find a Certified Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses (SDVOB)


All vendors must comply with the Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) provisions in NYS Executive Law Article 15-A, which ensures that all individuals are afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability or marital status, and NYS Executive Order #162, which ensures pay equity by State contractors.

The participation goals below reflect OASAS' commitment to minimizing obstacles/maximizing opportunities for Minority and Women's Business Enterprises and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses. 

Agency Utilization Goals 
Minority-Owned Business Participation10%
Women-Owned Business Participation20%
Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Participation6%

MWBE/SDVOB Downloads

MWBE/SDVOB plans, waivers, and brochures.


    MWBE Utilization Plan and Waivers

    List of current approved OASAS contracts for the current Fiscal Year and proposed MWBE subcontractors/suppliers for each OASAS contract. Contracts for which the MWBE goal requirements have been waived are also noted.




    SDVOB Utilization Plan and Waivers

    List of current approved OASAS contracts for the current State Fiscal Year and proposed SDVOB subcontractors/suppliers for each OASAS contract.  Contracts for which the SDVOB goal requirements have been waived are also noted.



Additional Opportunities

Recent federal legislation– the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act and the American Rescue Plan Act– provide supplemental funding for states to support substance use disorder services via expansions to the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant and Federal Medical Assistance Percentage for Medicaid programs. We are working with community stakeholders to identify opportunities for these funds to address any unmet prevention, treatment, and recovery needs for people living with or at risk of substance use disorders and provide funding opportunities. 

You may qualify for other state procurement opportunities or federal grants.