Become a Certified Recovery Residence

New York State Recovery Residences Now Eligible for Certification

Ensuring Safe and Supportive Environments

Certification is now available for Recovery Residences in New York State.  

This new voluntary certification aims to ensure that these residences provide safe, high-quality care in a substance-free, home-like environment.

Recovery Residences are the first recovery support service to be certified in New York. The implementation of Part 860 Recovery Residencies Regulations (PDF) on September 25, 2024, represents a significant step forward for recovery support. It also underscores the importance of recovery as a critical service for individuals affected by substance use disorders. 

Why Get Certified?

There are many benefits to certification.

  • Commitment to Excellence - Demonstrate your commitment to excellence and the crucial role of high-quality services for those affected by substance use disorder. Ensure that individuals in need of a residential recovery environment receive safe and high-quality care. More effectively reach and meet the needs of people in recovery. 
  • Enhance Trust and Credibility - By obtaining OASAS certification, you can demonstrate that your recovery residence meets recognized standards for quality and legitimacy in the field of addiction recovery support services. This certification can help build trust and confidence in your services, potentially attracting more residents and enhancing your reputation. 
  • Ongoing Support and Guidance - Receive access to extensive supports, resources, and guidance critical to operating an effective, safe, and quality recovery residence. 

Certification Requirements

In order to be certified, residences must:

  • Adopt written policies and procedures that reflect national and local standards, as well as the operator's vision for implementing the 860 regulations and guidance. 
  • Adhere to OASAS-defined provider obligations and ethical considerations.  
  • Meet federal, state, and local housing codes and laws. 

Guidance for Certified Recovery Residences

Visit the following links for access to essential information on operations, principles, and best practices of certified Recovery Residences. This includes the rights and responsibilities of providers and residents, as well as incident reporting procedures.


To request a PDF version of the guidance materials, please email [email protected].

How to Apply

To apply for certification as a recovery residence, please email [email protected] using the subject line: Certified Recovery Residences to request the application materials.