The Consolidated Fiscal Reporting System or CFRS consists of three components: Year-End Cost Reporting, State Aid Budgeting, and State Aid Claiming. Annual year-end reports are due to OASAS no later than five months after the end of the fiscal reporting period (approx. 150 days). The main fiscal reporting periods are January 1 - December 31 and July 1 - June 30.
- Calendar year filers (January 1 – December 31) are required to submit their CFR on or before June 1 of the new year.
- Fiscal year filers (July 1 – June 30) are required to submit their CFR on or before December 1 of the same year.
Providers and counties are strongly advised to work with OASAS Regional Office representatives to ensure accurate and timely budget and claim submissions.
The Consolidated Fiscal Report (CFR) is the year-end cost report required for submission by most service providers operating OASAS certified and/or funded substance use disorder and/or problem gambling programs. Reports are submitted on an annual basis.
The Consolidated Budget Report (CBR) is the primary report used in the state aid budgeting process and are submitted on an annual basis.
State aid claim submissions are submitted with the annually required Consolidated Fiscal Report and detailed on schedule.