Permanent Supportive Housing Providers


Permanent Supportive Housing programs make a direct contribution to a community’s economic strength and stability. OASAS funds housing providers in several counties across New York State to assist individuals/families affected by addiction to locate and maintain permanent housing by providing rental subsidies and case management services. Housing providers also assist in vocational training and employment counseling to help individuals in recovery lead self sufficient lives. 

If you are interested in becoming an OASAS housing provider, contact the OASAS Regional Office in their catchment area and/or the OASAS Bureau of Housing Services.


Permanent Supportive Housing programs typically fit into one of three models: 

  • Scatter-Site Model- Program participants are placed in apartment units scattered throughout a community, or ‘scattered’ within a large apartment building.
  • Clustered Scatter-Site Model- Two or more smaller apartment buildings of 2-8 units each.
  • Single-Site, Mixed-Use Building- This model provides multiple units in one building, enabling program participants to occupy a portion of apartment units within a building of generally non-subsidized housing units.


OASAS oversees the following brands of Permanent Supportive Housing:


New York/New York III (NY/NY III): Single-site and scatter-site housing for homeless, single adults who have completed some level of substance abuse treatment, as well as chronically homeless or at-risk families, in which the head of household suffers from a substance use disorder.

Upstate Permanent Supportive Housing: Housing which includes rental subsidies, case management, and employment services for individuals and families in recovery in rural communities, and small suburban regions of Upstate New York.

Re-entry Scatter-Site Permanent Supportive Housing: Rental subsidies, case management and employment counseling for persons with substance abuse problems, recently released on parole in New York City.

Medicaid Re-Design Team (MRT) Permanent Supportive Housing Initiative: Affordable/supportive housing for high frequency, high cost Medicaid beneficiaries who are homeless or precariously housed. MRT housing includes rental subsidies and other occupancy costs for apartments, program supervision, housing, and employment counseling.

Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI): operational and supportive services funding to Providers for the development of new or rehabbed housing units for persons identified as homeless with special needs, conditions, or other life challenges.

The Continuum of Care (CoC) Rental Assistance Program: These programs are funded by HUD to provide rental assistance. OASAS provides additional state-aid funding to these housing providers for case management services. The Rental Assistance Program serves and supports families and individuals with a primary diagnosis of substance use disorder as well as co-occurring disabilities such as mental illness, and/or HIV/AIDS.

Site Visits

OASAS conducts routine site visits of its PSH Providers to ensure that agencies are operating their programs effectively and efficiently. OASAS will notify agencies in advance when a site visit has been scheduled. Site visits consist of a program review. The program review includes an assessment of client files with a focus on admission criteria, service plans and case notes, inspection of housing units and interviews with program participants and case managers. OASAS will randomly select files for review and units for inspection in advance of the site visit. OASAS may also review administrative items, including but not limited to policies and procedures, staffing pattern, staff training and supervision.

Exit Interview

An exit interview will take place at the end of the site visit. During this time, OASAS and the provider agency will discuss the results of the visit. A report which summarizes the visit will be issued to the provider agency, usually within 45 days. Any findings that are identified in the report must be addressed by the provider through a Corrective Action Plan, which must be submitted to OASAS within 30 days of the issuance of the report.
