Man driving car

Impaired Driver Screening Services

OASAS approved providers of Clinical Screening and Assessment for impaired driving offenders in New York State
Impaired Driver Screening Services


Private practitioners, as well as certified providers, approved by OASAS to conduct clinical screening, assessment and treatment services for impaired driving offenders,  are required to adhere to the Standards for Clinical Services Provided to Individuals Arrested for an Impaired Driving Offense at all times. Providers who do not maintain compliance with the Standards shall, at OASAS’ discretion, be placed on probation, suspended or removed from the OASAS-approved Clinical Provider List.

All approved Clinical Screening and Assessment Providers for Impaired Driving Offenders are required to report details of clinical services for current and new impaired driving clients in the Impaired Driver System (IDS) located in the Client Data System.  The Impaired Driver System facilitates information sharing and automates processes previously handled manually by the Department of Motor Vehicles paper forms DS-449, MV-2025 and MV-2026.


In accordance with changes in the State’s Vehicle and Traffic law (VTL) of 2006 and 2007 (§1198-a), OASAS is charged with the responsibility of compiling and maintaining an authorized listing of agencies and professionals who are determined to be capable of providing screening, assessment and treatment of alcohol and substance abuse dependency for individuals charged with or convicted of an impaired driving offense.

This list consists of OASAS certified programs and individual practitioners who hold one or more eligible licenses issued by NYS Education Department and meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Are a current Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor (CASAC); and/or
  • Are certified as a U.S. Department of Transportation Substance Abuse Professional; and/or
  • Hold another national chemical dependence/addictions specific certification; and/or
  • Have a minimum of 4,000 hours of clinical screening, assessment or treatment experience in an OASAS-Certified program or similarly certified state or federal program; and/or
  • Have a minimum of 4,000 hours of experience conducting clinical screenings, assessments or treatment for substance abuse clients in an alternative work setting.


To facilitate compliance with the New York State standards, OASAS has developed new quality assurance tools for use by providers. This includes a new Self-Assessment Review Form for private practitioners. This is a voluntary, risk-management tool for approved practitioners to assess the effectiveness and compliance of their impaired driver clinical services and related documentation. While this internal review process is currently optional, practitioners are strongly encouraged to regularly complete self-assessments as an integral part of their quality improvement and compliance programs in order to minimize the risk of non-compliance with OASAS standards.


This required training improves the quality and consistency of clinical screening, assessment and treatment services provided to impaired driving offenders throughout New York State. It is equally important to protect the public’s safety by assuring that each offender is professionally and ethically evaluated and appropriate recommendations and/or diagnoses are rendered.

Upon completion of the training, participants will be able to:
  • Discuss the rationale for standardizing the provision of clinical screening and assessment services to the impaired driving client.
  • Identify the impact of personal attitudes, values and beliefs about impaired driving and substance use disorders on the clinical screening and assessment process.
  • Implement the minimum acceptable standards as outlined in OASAS’ Standards for Clinical Services Provided to Individuals Arrested for an Impaired Driving Offense.
  • Training is required for all individuals and programs included on the list of OASAS approved Providers of Screening and Assessment Services for Impaired Driving Offenders.

Training Requirements

Private Practitioners Licensed by the NYS Education Department

Attendance at a full-day, classroom-based training is required for all private practitioners licensed by NYS Education Department prior to approval to provide clinical services to impaired driving offenders in New York State. Classroom training is held periodically at various locations in NYS. Upcoming training dates and locations will be made available during the application process.


Programs approved by the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports; the New York State Office Mental Health; US Department of Veterans Affairs; US Department of Health and Human Services; and Indian Health Services

All staff members working in these programs must view the 1.5-hour webcast Clinical Screening and Assessment of the Impaired Driving Offender. After viewing the webcast, staff will be required to log into the OASAS Test Portal to take a short exam. A certificate of completion will be issued upon passing the exam.

To receive credit, fax a copy of the sign-in sheet to OASAS and keep the original sign-in sheet in your program files as verification that staff are trained. Please note that OASAS will not consider any individual as "trained" unless a sign-in sheet is on file with OASAS and unless they have passed the exam and have been issued a certificate through the exam portal. Staff who do not pass the exam are not permitted to provide clinical services to impaired driving offenders and will be asked to attend the full-day 6-hour classroom training.