The Impaired Driver System is a web-based tracking and reporting application developed by the Office of Addiction Services and Supports in collaboration with the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. The Impaired Driver System significantly improves the quality of information and efficiency of transfer of information by automating processes previously handled manually via DMV’s DS-449, MV-2025 and MV-2026 paper forms. Impaired Driver Program (IDP) Directors and clinical providers have immediate electronic access to clients’ records regarding IDP enrollment and clinical screening, assessment and treatment. In addition, the system also allows electronic access to a client's Abstract of Driving Record in real-time. The IDS system has been developed with grant funding from the New York State Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC) through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
All Impaired Driver System (IDS) users are required to electronically report pertinent details of their work. IDP Directors are required to document drops, completions, transfers and assessment referrals. Providers of clinical services to impaired driving clients are required to document the start date, completion date and completion status for each impaired driving screening, assessment, and treatment service that is provided. Information regarding a motorist’s status that is reported in the Impaired Driver System is electronically transferred to Department of Motor Vehicles, where it is posted to the motorist’s internal license file for view by Department of Motor Vehicles staff authorized to process the motorist’s application for relicensing.
All inquiries and user activity within the Impaired Driver System are tracked and monitored for security and auditing purposes. Data and user activity reports are regularly reviewed by OASAS staff to monitor the use of the system and evaluate outcomes.
Functions enabled by the Impaired Driver System (IDS):
- Submit information to DMV electronically rather than via U.S. mail;
- View an impaired driving client’s prior history of clinical assessment and treatment associated with impaired driving violations;
- View an impaired driving client’s prior history of participation in the Impaired Driver Program (IDP) and associated referrals to assessment;
- Access an impaired driving client’s most current Abstract of Driving Record;
- Generate reports to assist with client records management and other information-sharing needs.
1) Which and how many staff members be granted access to the Impaired Driver System is at your discretion. To register an account, submit an External Access Request Form (IRM-15) to the Provider Help Desk in order to register for access to the Impaired Driver System application.
2) Once approved, login credentials and access are assigned according to the user’s role in the system. Each user must obtain an account for their individual use only and are bound by OASAS’ security policies regarding account use and protection.
3) After you've completed registration, users can anticipate future correspondence from OASAS via email and can forward any changes to email addresses to the Impaired Driver Services mailbox: [email protected]. Impaired Driver Program providers should continue to contact DMV Driver Training Programs with any program/instructor updates.
If you've forgotten your user ID or password, contact the Help Desk. Any future users will be required to submit a new form for access to the Impaired Driver System.
Before accessing a motorist's record in IDS, you must obtain a signed IDS consent form from each impaired driving client and maintain the original form on file. Links to the IDS consent form are also provided within the IDS application. The IDS consent form lists the specific elements that are viewable in IDS and explains the purpose for sharing these details with parties listed on the consent. Confidentiality and accountability are further assured within IDS by a required online attestation wherein each user must electronically certify receipt of the motorist's consent.
Impaired Driver Consent Form (IDSM-3) - English
Providers must obtain consent from the motorist in order to access their records in the Impaired Driver System.
Technical Assistance
User manuals and online video tutorials for the Impaired Driver System application are available in the OASAS Client Data System. If you require additional assistance accessing or navigating the Impaired Driver System, contact the OASAS Help Desk. For clinical and/or programmatic issues contact the appropriate units at NYS OASAS or DMV.
Contact Provider IT Help Desk
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Contact us by email:
Mailing Address:
800 North Pearl Street, Room 214
Albany, NY 12204