Ambulatory Providers

Base rates and reimbursement codes for outpatient services and opioid treatment programs.


The below information is in regards to the base rate codes programs should use when billing Medicaid as well as the rates paid out based on those codes for providing any services covered under New York State Regulation Part 822. General Service Standards for Substance Use Disorder Outpatient Programs. 

The downstate peer group includes New York County, Kings County, Queens County, Richmond County, Bronx County, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, Dutchess and Orange counties. The upstate peer group refers to the rest of New York State (ROS).


    Ambulatory Patient Group Manual

    Rate codes, procedure codes and service description codes for both fee for service and managed care billing in Outpatient SUD, Opioid Treatment Programs and Integrated Services settings.




    Coding Taxonomy

    Coding Crosswalk including Rate Code, Procedure Code and Modifiers for  Health and Recovery Plans (HARP) and Mainstream Behavioral Health Carve in Services



Revenue Calculator

OASAS developed the APG Medicaid Revenue Calculator to simulate Medicaid revenue projections associated with APG pricing.

Certified outpatient programs may use the tool to continuously monitor and update their projected APG Medicaid revenues. The calculator has the base rates for the respective programs/peer groups; and, the application of the phased payments.

APG Revenue Calculator (Excel)

Outpatient Services

Ambulatory Patient Group (APG) and Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) base rates and reimbursement codes for certified outpatient clinics or outpatient rehabilitation programs.

Learn more and find guidance pertaining to outpatient Part 822 services, here.

Opioid Treatment Programs

Comprehensive Outpatient Program (COP)

Comprehensive Outpatient Program (COP) is an integration of co-located 822 OTP and 822 Outpatient Treatment Services to provide services available in either program to all patients in each PRU (other than methadone).


    Comprehensive Outpatient Program Application Form

    This application should only be completed by providers who have consulted with OASAS ATAR Division and Regional Office on Integrating 822 programs and becoming a Comprehensive Outpatient Program provider. For programs who have not, please contact your Regional Office Program Manager for more information. 




    May 28, 2024 Notification to Managed Care Plans

    On May 28, 2024, plans received this memorandum regarding the New York State Office of Addiction Support Services (OASAS) implementation of Comprehensive Outpatient Treatment Programs (COP). Please review the memorandum for a brief overview of the COP initiative.



Integrated Care Licensure Threshold Guidance

The following guidance outlines changes in the licensure thresholds that permit certain providers to offer comprehensive ambulatory services, in accordance with New York States scope of practice laws and rules. These providers include DOH licensed Article 28 primary care providers, OMH licensed Article 31 Mental Health Outpatient Treatment and Rehabilitative Service (MHOTRS) providers, OASAS licensed Article 32 addiction outpatient treatment providers, and OPWDD licensed Article 16 intellectual and developmental disability (I/DD) service providers. For complete details, please refer to the NYS DOH Updated Licensure Threshold Guidance.

Medication Billing

Guidance on billing Sublocade intramuscular injection and oral buprenorphine in ambulatory settings), as well as billing for Vivitrol for outpatient programs.

Please note that changes to Chapters 69 and 71 of the Insurance Laws of 2016 prohibit prior Insurance authorization for medications for treatment of substance use disorder.

Commercial Billing (Part AA of Chapter 57) Guidance

This section is for commercial health insurers and OASAS-certified substance use disorder providers. It provides guidance on complying with laws related to commercial reimbursement and billing for OASAS-certified ambulatory programs.

Part AA of Chapter 57 of the Laws of 2024 updated the Insurance Law to require insurance companies to pay certain in-network facilities that offer outpatient mental health and substance use disorder treatment. These payments must be at negotiated rates that are at least as high as what would be paid under the Medicaid program.

Chapter 57 requires that insurers must reimburse covered outpatient treatment provided by OASAS-certified providers.

Provider Types 

  • Outpatient Clinic Providers* – Both hospital and freestanding, reimbursed under Ambulatory Patient Groups (“APGs”).
  • Outpatient Rehabilitation Providers* (aka OP Addiction Day Rehab) – Both hospital and freestanding, reimbursed under APG.
  • Opioid Treatment Program* (“OTP”), including mobile medication services delivered by a mobile medication unit and Comprehensive Outpatient Program* (“COP”) providers– both hospital and freestanding, reimbursed under APGs including the weekly bundled rate.
  • Mobile Crisis Intervention Services providers.*
  • Crisis Stabilization Centers licensed pursuant to Mental Hygiene Law § 36.01. 

* Please note all facility types listed above with (*) may provide services in the community.

Commercial Billing Resources 

The following resources can be used to support commercial insurers and substance use providers with systems configurations needed for the implementation of Part AA, effective on or after January 1, 2025.

OASAS Ambulatory Provider Level Fee Schedule 

This Excel file contains provider-specific Ambulatory Provider Group base rates with associated rate codes.

Ambulatory Provider Level Fee Schedule (Excel) 

APG Outpatient Rate List 

This Excel document contains fee schedules for OASAS outpatient services applicable to Part AA that are priced using the Ambulatory Provider Group methodology. It includes applicable rate codes. 

APG Outpatient Rate List (Excel)

Upcoming Webinars/Trainings

Check back soon for upcoming webinars/training sessions.

Office of Mental Health Website

Visit the Office of Mental Health Commercial Billing for Behavioral Health Services webpage for reimbursement rates for OMH ambulatory programs. 

Contact Practice Innovation & Care Management Unit

If you have any questions, contact the Division of Practice Innovation and Care Management (PICM).

Contact us by email: