Reinstatement Application Instructions
The following reinstatement application instructions are for the following positions.
- Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor (CASAC)
- Credentialed Prevention Professional (CPP)
- Credentialed Prevention Specialist (CPS)
- Credentialed Problem Gambling Counselor (CPGC)
Purpose of the Credential
The New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) is committed to enhancing the quality of services in New York State through the professional development of the Substance Use Disorder (SUD) services workforce.
To ensure that counselors who provide direct care in SUD programs are competent and ethical in their work and skilled in meeting the needs of today’s society, OASAS issues a professional credential -- the Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor (CASAC) -- to individuals who meet specific eligibility requirements and pass appropriate examinations.
The New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) is committed to enhancing the quality of services in New York State through the professional development of the substance use disorder (SUD) prevention services workforce. To ensure that prevention practitioners who provide services in SUD prevention programs are competent and ethical in their work and skilled in meeting the needs of today’s society, OASAS issues professional credentials -- the Credentialed Prevention Professional (CPP) and Credentialed Prevention Specialist (CPS) -- to individuals who meet specific eligibility requirements and pass appropriate examinations.
The New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) is committed to enhancing the quality of services in New York State through the professional development of the problem gambling treatment services workforce. To ensure that counselors who provide direct care in problem gambling treatment programs are competent and ethical in their work and skilled in meeting the needs of today’s society, OASAS issues a professional credential -- the CredentialedProblem Gambling Counselor (CPGC) -- to individuals who meet specific eligibility requirements.
To ensure continued competence and maintenance of skills, all credentials must be renewed every three years.
Reinstatement Process
If your credential has been expired for more than one year, you may submit a completed reinstatement application at anytime.
You can access and complete the reinstatement application on the Credentialing Portal at
Upon receipt by the OASAS Credentialing Unit, your application will be reviewed to ensure that all reinstatement requirements have been satisfied. Based on the findings of the review, your application will be determined to be either incomplete or approved.
If your application is not completed within one year of submission, you will be required to submit a new Reinstatement Application.
Incomplete Applications
If your application is determined to be incomplete, you will receive an Application Review Summary that identifies documentation still need. Missing documentation must be satisfactorily addressed in order to approve the Reinstatement of your credential.
Approved Applications
When your application is approved, you will be issued a new certificate, which will expire on the last day of the three-year period.
Once your credential has expired, you may not identify yourself as a credentialed counselor.
Counselor Scope of Practice Checklist
The Counselor Scope of Practice establishes a framework for a career ladder with minimum qualifications and defined scope of practice for the Counselor Assistant, CASAC-Trainee, CASAC-Provisional, CPGC, CASAC, CASAC-G, CASAC Level 2, CASAC Advanced Level, and CASAC Master Level.
It is important to note that CASACs may not work outside of their scope of practice.
Please note:
The Scope of Practice only pertains to those individuals employed in an OASAS-certified treatment program.
You will be reinstated at the level you were when your credential expired unless you request an upgrade by providing the information below. If you were previously an Advanced or Master Level CASAC, you do not need to take the Clinical Supervision trainings again.
Your options are as follows:
- There is no change in credentialed status.
- Transcript verifying completion of an associate's degree in an approved human services field. Refer to the list of human services degrees.
- Transcript verifying completion of a bachelor's degree, and
- Certificates of completion for 30 hours of Clinical Supervision training.*
*Clinical Supervision Foundations I is a 14-hour, self-paced online course. Clinical Supervision Foundations II is a 16-hour face-to-face training. View a list of training providers offering Foundations II.
Education and Training
To reinstate your credential, you must document completion of continuing professional education consisting of a minimum of 75 hours of trainings for CASAC and CPGC credentials and 70 hours of training for CPP/CPS credentials.
All education and training being claimed must have been completed during the four-year period prior to submission of your reinstatement application.
Only the trainings listed for your credential can be considered for reinstatement.
Please see specific training requirements for your credential below:
- CASAC Reinstatement Training List
- CPP/CPS Reinstatement Training List
- CPGC Reinstatement Training List
Acceptable training certificates must:
- Be an OASAS Standardized Certificate of Completion through the OASAS Answerkey portal (only exception are single asterisked(*) trainings on the training lists)
- Include the applicant’s name
- Include the title of the training
- Include the number of hours completed (must be typewritten)
- Include the date the training was completed (must be typewritten)
- Be completed during the four-year period prior to submission of your reinstatement application
For more information on approved trainings, please email the Training Unit at [email protected].
Counselor Scope of Practice Upgrade
(For CASAC Credentials Only)
If you are applying for the CASAC Advanced Level under the Counselor Scope of Practice, a total of 30 hours of Clinical Supervision training must be completed and submitted. These hours are in addition to the 75 hours of mandatory training to reinstate your credential. You cannot apply to upgrade to the CASAC Master Level since you have not been credentialed for the past three consecutive years. If you were previously an Advanced or Master Level CASAC, you will be reinstated at the level you were when your credential expired and will not need to take the Clinical Supervision trainings again.
Ethical Conduct
As part of the reinstatement process, you will complete and sign an Attestation of Ethical Conduct, affirming your compliance to ethical standards in your professional behavior during your current Credentialed period. In the Attestation, if you indicate any unethical conduct, you will be given the opportunity to provide additional information in the "Additional Remarks" section.
It is important to note that answering “Yes” to a question on the Attestation of Ethical Conduct form is not an automatic bar to reinstating your credential.
Answering “Yes” may or may not preclude the reinstatement of your credential.
All factors must be considered before the reinstatement of your credential may lawfully be denied. Please be aware that all statements made in connection with this attestation form are subject to investigation and verification. Falsification or omission of information is subject to a complaint being filed against you and reported to the National Practitioner Databank.
You may be subject to one or more of the following sanctions or as otherwise authorized by law: Warning Letter, Administrative Reprimand, Suspension, Denial of Renewal, Revocation, and Fines.
If you suspect an individual has violated the Canon of Ethical Principles, Misconduct, or Other Prohibited Acts, please visit the OASAS Credentialing Portal and select "File a Complaint."