filling out an application
January 31, 2025

Recovery Residences Request for Applications – SETT 24029

Recovery Residences
Recovery Residences Request for Applications – SETT 24029


The Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) is accepting funding applications on a first come, first serve basis from Recovery Residences which have been approved for contingent certification and are seeking award funds to enhance their operations as newly certified programs. 

Certified Recovery Residences under OASAS will implement safe, secure, and quality housing for individuals in recovery from substance use disorder. Certified Recovery Residences will serve those in recovery seeking a non-clinical, supportive residential environment. 

Certified Recovery Residences incorporate community-based shared living, a homelike environment, peer support, the social model of recovery, and building recovery capital. Operators will utilize a common set of standards and code of ethics in their operations, while also linking individuals to a Recovery-Oriented System of Care in their local community. OASAS Part 860 Regulation outlines requirements for certified Recovery Residences.

 Aims of the certification include expanding the OASAS continuum of care, increasing available recovery supports throughout the state, legitimizing essential work that Recovery Residences perform, and improved metrics such as reduced substance use, reduced criminal justice involvement, higher employment, and improved quality of life for individuals in recovery. Operators who have received contingent approval for OASAS certification and meet additional requirements will be eligible for award funds.

Target Population Focus 

Certified Recovery Residences seeking award funds to enhance and support their operations as newly certified programs.

Funding Application Due Date

Funding Applications will be accepted until 4:00 PM on 7/31/25.  
Applications will be considered in the order in which they are received.

Funding Availability

Approximately $5,000,000 of Opioid Settlement Funding is available toward this effort, and will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis throughout New York State, until funds are exhausted.

Providers with more than one Recovery Residence may apply for this one-time award for up to three (3) individual sites, and each site may receive up to $75,000 in funding each (up to a maximum possible total of $225,000). Providers may apply for OASAS certification of all their Recovery Residences but will only receive funding for up to three (3) Recovery Residences.

These funds should be used to enhance certified Recovery Residences and are not for use towards becoming OASAS-certified.  Organizations can only apply for funding once they have been approved for contingent certification from OASAS. Once the funding application is approved the contract start date will be approximately 90 days later and reimbursement for expenditures are limited to expenses incurred after the contract start date. 

Contract Period & Eligibility

Contract Period

Successful applicants will be granted an 18-month contract, with a start date typically occurring around 90 days after the award letter is issued. Please note that OASAS is only able to reimburse expenses that occur within the contract award period.


Funding is available to organizations that:

  1. Are Recovery Residences that have submitted a full certification application to OASAS for such.
  2. Have been issued a contingent approval for a Recovery Residence certification for each site requesting funding from OASAS.
  3. Are a nonprofit (charitable org and tax-exempt status).
  4. Are Registered and Prequalified in the Statewide Financial System (SFS).
  5. Have Completed and filed a New York State Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire (must be updated within the six months prior to application submission).
  6. Are registered and have current status with the Office of the New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau.
  7. Are registered with the New York State Department of State.

Applicant Conference

There will be a virtual non-mandatory applicant conference on February 6th, 2025, at 12:00 PM.   

virtual conference Login Information

Completed Funding Application

 To be accepted as a completed funding application all applications must have the following:

  1. A complete and signed SETT 24029 – Recovery Residences Application
    1. The funding application must have accurately completed all required fields
  2. A signed Attachment 3: Program Budget/Initiative Funding Request (IFR) Form
    1. A separate form for each residence included in the application must be included.
  3. A signed Attachment 4: Vendor Assurance of No Conflict of Interest or Detrimental Effect
  4. A signed Attachment 8: Executive Order 177 Certification
  5. A signed Attachment 9: Statement on Sexual Harassment Certification
  6. A signed Attachment 10: Executive Order 16 (EO-16)
  7. Attach the Contingent Certification Letter(s) for each site that is being applied for

Any applications not meeting ALL the requirements above may be returned to the applicant with the reason for the return clearly stated.

Corrected applications may be resubmitted. Upon resubmission, the application will receive a new submission date.  All resubmittals must be a complete and new package and cannot only contain the corrections.

Multiple Funding Applications Versus One Application

Organizations that want to apply for more than one Recovery Residence under the same operator are strongly encouraged to submit a single application for up to three (3) Recovery Residences. If an organization is submitting one application for multiple Recovery Residences, they must include one (1) signed Attachment 3: Program Budget/Initiative Funding Request (IFR) Form, and one (1) OASAS Contingent Certification Letter for each Recovery Residence as part of their application. Organizations must assure they have received all OASAS contingent certification letters pertaining to the Recovery Residences they wish to include on the award application prior to submitting the application.

If multiple Recovery Residences are submitted within the same application, then the Organization will benefit as they will administratively only have to manage one contract and will receive some flexibility to move funds between Recovery Residences as programmatically needed.

Organizations that submit separate applications (instead of one application) will receive a separate contract for each Recovery Residence. Each contract will be managed independently and will have no funding flexibility between Recovery Residences.   

Organizations that submit multiple applications within ten (10) days of each other may have their applications combined onto a single contract at the discretion of OASAS.

Organizations should take note that the limit of up to three (3) Recovery Residences applies specifically to the funding award. Organizations may still apply for OASAS certification for all Recovery Residences under the same operator, without limit. Organizations may also choose to only apply for the OASAS certification. Organizations are not required to apply for the award funding as part of the certification process.

Scope of Work

Background Information

  1. Recovery Residences that wish to apply for OASAS certification under Part 860 submit official certification application for any site(s) they wish to certify.
  2. Following any necessary revisions of the certification application, OASAS will issue a contingent approval for certification for each Recovery Residence site and will notify providers of any additional requirements they will need to complete to receive an operating certificate.
  3. After successful resolution of all requirements, OASAS will issue an operating certificate for each approved Recovery Residence site as an OASAS-certified Recovery Residence.
  4. Any time after receiving a contingent approval, eligible applicants may apply for one-time funding to enhance their services for up to three (3) sites. Award applicants do not need to wait for an official operating certificate prior to applying for the one-time funding.


Program Expectations and Deliverables

  1. Follow guidance and other requirements for certified Recovery Residences issued by OASAS.
  2. Implement and maintain a safe, supportive, and homelike environment for residents to cohabitate and thrive in.
  3. Have required training and staff development for all Recovery Residence employees.
  4. Abide by OASAS provider requirements for Recovery Residences and assure residents are aware of OASAS resident rights and responsibilities.
  5. Participate in methods for accurate data record keeping, storage, and reporting to OASAS, including but not limited to admission, discharge, and monthly reports.
  6. Facilitate required inspections of the Recovery Residence and its operations on an initial and ongoing basis by OASAS.


Allowable Use of Funds

Allowable uses of funds include but are not limited to:      

  1. Services (grant writing, health and wellness resources and programming, recovery supports curricula, peer mentors, additional employment and training supports for residents, etc.)
  2. Capital Expenses (minor renovations or Residence upgrades, e.g., roofing, flooring, windows, hot water heaters, boilers, greening upgrades which will provide sustainable costs – solar/ heat pump etc.)
    1. Goods/Items (IT equipment, EHR/Finance software, Transportation (vehicles, drivers), upgrading security and fire safety equipment, phone equipment, furniture, home appliances, beddings and toiletries, marketing materials, art and music supplies; home establishment items for when residents successfully move on). Any equipment purchased, having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $1,000 or more may be required to be returned to OASAS at the end of the contract. However, recovery residences will usually be able to retain the equipment by demonstrating a continued Substance Use Disorder (SUD) purpose for the equipment post contract period.
  3. Staff development (including trainings, conferences, Certified Recovery Peer Advocate and additional certifications that support the programming of the Recovery Residence).

Expenditures supported by these funds must be reasonable and/or necessary for the purposes identified above in both nature and amount and cannot have been previously and will not otherwise be reimbursed by other funding or programs. Unreasonable and/or unnecessary costs are not allowable. Appendix X of the Consolidated Fiscal and Reporting (CFR) Manual lists items of expense that are considered non-allowable. In addition, Section 21 of the CFR Manual outlines additional expenses that may not be claimed for reimbursement. Awardees must follow all applicable procurement requirements as outlined in the OASAS Administrative and Fiscal Requirements for OASAS-Funded Providers.

Funding Restrictions, Reporting & Payment Info

Funding Restrictions

  1. Agency administration costs may not exceed 20% of the total Other Than Personal Services costs, as defined in the CFR Manual.
  2. Awarded dollars cannot be used to supplant existing funded services or staff. Dollars can only be used for new services or to enhance existing services.
  3. Awarded funding cannot be used for Personal Services or Fringe Benefits.  



Upon receipt of a final invoice or completion of the contract period, OASAS will send the Recovery Residence an online reporting link to describe the funding accomplishments.  Reporting should be completed within 30 days of receiving the online reporting link.  

Payment Info

Providers will receive a 50% advance followed by expense report claiming.  

Upon review of the final expense report, if there is any underspending, the underspent amount must be returned to OASAS.  OASAS will reach out to the applicant at this time to determine the best method of repayment.  

Guidelines for Inquiries and Funding Application Submissions

Submit Inquiries Regarding This Initiative To

  • Submit inquiries to [email protected]
  • Subject: Inquiry OASAS SETT-24029 Recovery Residences, “Funding Recipient Name”

Submit Funding Application To

  • Submit a complete Funding application to [email protected]
  • Subject: OASAS SETT-24029 Recovery Residences, “Funding Recipient Name”

Additional Information and Helpful Links

NYS SFS Supplier ID

The Statewide Financial System (SFS) is New York State government’s accounting and financial management system. To receive an award from OASAS, applicants are required to have an account within SFS.

Any organization wishing to apply who currently does not have a SFS Supplier ID must first obtain a Supplier ID before they apply.  To obtain a Supplier ID please submit a Substitute Form W-9 found below to [email protected].

Be registered in the SFS - Register Your Organization in SFS | Grants Management ( and registered in the SFS Prequalification Module - Get Prequalified | Grants Management (

Prequalified status is required for all nonprofit organizations seeking grant funding from New York State. Documents that an organization must upload into the SFS Prequalification Module to become prequalified include:

  • Certificate of Incorporation or equivalent document
  • DBA Certificate (if applicable)
  • IRS 501(c)(3) determination letter
  • IRS 990
  • Financial Statement/Audit
  • CHAR500 or CHAR410
  • Board of Directors Profile
  • Senior Leadership Resumes
  • Corporate Bylaws
  • Organization Chart

Note: three of a nonprofit’s essential financial documents - the IRS990, Financial Statement and Charities Bureau filing - expire on an annual basis. A nonprofit must upload current versions of these documents and submit an updated prequalification application for review and approval each year to maintain prequalification. Nonprofits are provided a full 10.5 months from the end of their fiscal year to provide a current IRS990, Financial Statement, and Charities Bureau filing without the interim requirement of uploading extension requests.

Applicants can contact the SFS Help Desk for assistance with registration. Registration and contact information are below.

SFS Help Desk

Applicants that are unsure if they have a supplier ID should reach out to [email protected]  for confirmation.

Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire

Complete and file a New York State Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire (must be updated within the last six months).

To file an electronic questionnaire:


Charities Bureau

Be registered and have current status with the Office of the New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau - Charities registration | New York State Attorney General (

New York State Department of State

Be registered with the New York State Department of State - Department of State | Department of State (

Workers Compensation and Disability Insurance

Have current and valid Workers Compensation and Disability Insurance forms or Exemption forms with OASAS listed as a certificate holder as applicable.

Workers Compensation and Disability Insurance Verification Requirements

A Contractor seeking to enter into a contract with the State of New York must provide ONE of the following forms verifying Workers Compensation Insurance prior to award:

  1. CE-200, Certificate of Attestation for New York Entities With No Employees and Certain Out of State Entities, That New York State Workers’ Compensation and/or Disability Benefits Insurance Coverage is Not Required, which is available on the Workers’ Compensation Board’s website,, under the heading “Forms” (the legal entity name on form CE-200 must exactly match the legal entity name applying for the contract); or
  2. C-105.2 – Certificate of Workers’ Compensation Insurance; contractors insured through the New York State Insurance Fund should send form U-26.3 (the contractor’s insurance carrier will send this form to OASAS upon contractor’s request); or
  3. SI-12 – Certificate of Workers Compensation Self-Insurance (the contractor should call the Workers’ Compensation Board’s Self-Insurance Office at 518-402-0247 to obtain this form); or
  4. GSI-105.2 – Certificate of Participation in Workers’ Compensation Group Self-Insurance (the contractor’s Group Self-Insurance Administrator will send this form to OASAS).

A Contractor seeking to enter into a contract with the State of New York must also provide ONE of the following forms verifying Disability Insurance prior to award:

  1. CE-200, Certificate of Attestation for New York Entities With No Employees and Certain Out of State Entities, That New York State Workers’ Compensation and/or Disability Benefits Insurance Coverage is Not Required, which is available on the Workers’ Compensation Board’s website,, under the heading “Forms” (the legal entity name on form CE-200 must exactly match the legal entity name applying for the contract); or
  2. DB-120.1 – Certificate of Disability Benefits Insurance (the contractor’s insurance carrier will send this form to OASAS upon the contractor’s request); or
  3. DB-155 – Certificate of Disability Benefits Self Insurance (the contractor should call the Workers’ Compensation Board’s Self-Insurance Office at 518-402-0247 to obtain this form).

All of the above-referenced forms, except the CE-200, SI-12 and the DB-155 must have: 

Procurements & Contracting Bureau - 5th Floor
NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports
1450 Western Avenue
Albany, NY 12203-3526

as the Entity Requesting Proof of Coverage (Entity being listed as the Certificate Holder)

RFA and Supporting Documents