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Request for Proposals (RFP) OSF SETT 23027 - Leadership Institute

OASAS is seeking bidders to develop a leadership institute for 500 to 1,000 current or soon-to-be middle management-level staff working across the state in the OASAS Substance Use Disorder (SUD) continuum of care and services. 

Request for Proposals (RFP) OSF SETT 23027 - Leadership Institute


Through Opioid Settlement Funds, the Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) to responsive and responsible Bidders that can deliver a robust and meaningful leadership institute for 500 to 1,000 current or soon-to-be middle management-level staff working across the state in the OASAS Substance Use Disorder (SUD) continuum of care and services. Bidders will also be responsible for all marketing, registration, and other logistical concerns related to a 20-to-50-hour hybrid training program and post-learning collaboration projects.


Funding Available

OASAS seeks to make one award to provide these services.


Eligible Bidders

Eligible Bidders include entities that meet all the criteria below:

  1. Have hosted, developed, and disseminated a multi-session, behavioral health-specific, leadership training each year, in the last five years.
  2. Have trained at least 400 SUD/Behavioral Health Managers over the last five years.
    1. The curriculum must be targeted to the behavioral health workplace setting.
    2. The curriculum must be a total of at least 20 hours per delivery.
  3. Have experience with both virtual and in-person training in the last five years.

Eligibility will be determined by Bidders completing Attachment 13 – Eligibility Certification demonstrating the meet the above criteria.

Please see the RFP for further details.


Proposals Due

March 25, 2024, 4:30 PM EST


View RFP and Supporting Documents

RFP 23027 - Leadership Institute (Amended 2-21-24)

RFP 23027 Questions and Answers

Attachments Required at Bid Submittal

Attachment 1 - Checklist

Attachment 2 - Budget (Amended 2-21-24)

Attachment 3 - Vendor Assurance of No Conflict of Interest or Detrimental Effect

Attachment 4 - Non-Collusive Bidding Certification

Attachment 5 - Bidder's Certified Statements

Attachment 6 - Diversity Practices Questionnaire

Attachment 7 - EO 177

Attachment 8 - EO 16

Attachment 9 - Statement on Sexual Harassment Certification

Attachment 10 - References

Attachment 12 - Affirmation pursuant to SFL State Finance Law §139-j-k

Attachment 13 - Eligibility Certification



Appendix A - Standard Clauses for NYS Contracts

Appendix B - Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Participation


Attachments Required Before Contract Approval 

Attachment III - Participation by Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises: Requirements and Procedures

Attachment IV - Encouraging Use of NYS Businesses in Contract Performance

Attachment V - Business Associate Agreement 

Attachment VI - Consultant Disclosure

Attachment VII - ST220-TD and ST220-CA