Mobile Medication Unit II (# SUPP1012)

Request for Applications # SUPP1012 - Funding for this initiative has already been awarded.
Up to a total of $3.3 million in Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Block Grant funds is available to assist Opioid Treatment Programs in developing mobile medication units. One-time awards of up to $550,000 will be made to each awardee.

The Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) is seeking applications for the development of Mobile Medication Units (MMU). The development of MMUs is made possible as a result of the release of the Final Rule on MMUs by the Drug Enforcement Authority (DEA) and is in response to the state’s need for increasing Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) services availability. Up to a total of $3.3 million in Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Block Grant funds is available to assist OTPs in developing MMUs. On-time only awardees of up to $550,000 will be made to each awardee.

Eligible Applicants

  • Voluntary agencies or other not-for-profit organizations that currently operate OASAS-certified OTPs.
  • Proprietary entities are not eligible.

Application Deadline

July 19, 2022

Application and Supporting Documents