Request for Proposal SETT-23014

filling out an application

Government-Academic Research and Evaluation

We are seeking to partner with an academic institution to expand and enhance the monitoring and evaluation of the substance use and addiction service and treatment programs and initiatives supported by Opioid Settlement Funds. OASAS seeks to make one award for up to $300,000 per year for 3 years. 

Request for Proposal SETT-23014

The academic institution with which OASAS seeks to partner should have extensive experience and expertise in monitoring and evaluating research initiatives that examine healthcare delivery systems and services for substance use and use disorder, and other addictive disorders. Further, the academic institution should have a strong track record of productive collaborations with government entities particularly in government data stewardship as well as extensive evaluation and quality improvement experience, extensive experience in building databases, and the capacity to expand and enhance the understanding of the effectiveness of specific initiatives and programs on health and social outcomes.

Funding Available

OASAS seeks to make one award for up to $300,000 per year for 3 years. 

Eligible Bidders

Accredited Institutions of Postgraduate Education recognized by the United States Department of Education that:

  • Are Public/State Controlled Institutions or Private Not-for-Profit Institutions and

  • Have a homebase campus in New York State and
  • Are accredited to award doctoral degrees, including MDs, in public health, medicine, nursing, or a related discipline.


Bid Proposals Due

October 10, 2023 4:30 PM EST



Appendices are for informational purposes only:


Required before contract execution:

RFP and Documents Required at Bid Submission

Email inquiries to [email protected] by September 5th Use subject line: RFP 23014 – Government-Academic Research and Evaluation