Providers are reminded to submit their monthly Expense Reports or vouchers to [email protected].
Recent federal legislation provides supplemental funding to the states to support substance use disorder services through time-limited expansions of the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Block Grant. The program provides funds to states and territories annually to help plan, implement, and evaluate activities that prevent and treat substance abuse and promote public health. The SAPT Block Grant is administered by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and managed by the Office of Addiction Services and Supports in New York.
OASAS works with community stakeholders to identify opportunities for these funds to best meet unmet prevention, treatment, and recovery needs for people with or at risk of substance use disorders. Grantees use awarded funds for prevention, treatment, recovery support, and other supportive services.
- In December 2020, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (Public Law 116-120) was enacted, which appropriated $1.65 billion in supplemental funding to states through the SAPT Block Grant program to assist in responding to the COVID19 pandemic. Funds must be used in accordance with current SAPT program requirements. The Act, however, encourages states to request waivers beyond current Federal regulations for SAPT Block Grants related to allowable activities, timelines or reporting requirements.
- In early March 2021, OASAS received notification of award for a SAPT Block Grant supplemental amount of $104.8 million for the period March 15, 2021 to March 14, 2023. On April 5, 2021, OASAS submitted its proposed spending plan for these funds to SAMHSA, based on identified system needs, provider feedback, and federal guidance. This Plan is pending SAMHSA review and approval.
- On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA, Public Law 117-2), which directed SAMHSA to provide $1.5 billion in additional funds to support states through the SAPT to address the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic for Americans with SUD. This funding will also allow recipients to make investments in existing prevention, treatment and recovery infrastructure; promote support for providers; and address unique local needs to deliver SUD services.
- On May 17, 2021, OASAS received notification from SAMSHA on the ARPA supplemental funding in the amount of $90.5 million for the period September 1, 2021 to September 30, 2025. OASAS’ spending plan is due to SAMHSA by July 2, 2021.
All Projects
Open Projects refers to projects that are currently being offered through the SAPT supplemental funding initiative. Awarded projects list refers to projects that are passed the deadline to apply for the funding. Additional details including eligibility, scope of work (where applicable), and expense reports for each funding opportunity can be found on each project page.
Be sure to check all available funding opportunities for not-for-profit organizations, local governmental units, and other businesses and help support a comprehensive system of addiction services.
Open Projects
- Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Implementation - Up to $9,000,000 is available for one-time-only awards of up to either $230,000 to implement a new EMR or $120,000 to make changes to an existing EMR and to report data to the OASAS Client Data System (CDS).
Awarded Projects
- Statewide SUD System Support - Up to $20 million in COVID-relief funding is available to support program costs incurred since March 15, 2021 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and help eligible addiction service providers continue providing life-saving care.
- Community Coalitions - $4.5 million to support prevention-focused community coalitions to implement environmental strategies to reduce underage and binge alcohol and/or heavy cannabis use.
- Community Coalitions: Round Two (New York City) - Up to $1.8 million is available to support a substance use/misuse prevention-focused community coalition to implement environmental strategies to reduce underage and binge alcohol and/or heavy cannabis use.
- Comprehensive Integrated Treatment Programs - Up to $3.5 million in one-time funding is available to develop Comprehensive Integrated Outpatient Treatment Programs that increase access to medication to treat individuals with an Opioid Use Disorder and provide comprehensive treatment all within one setting.
- Medication Delivery System - $2.6 million is available to providers through the SAPT Supplemental Block Grant funding to provide and/or support the provision of medication delivery for substance use disorder patients in need.
- Mobile Medication Unit - Up to $200,000 per provider is available to develop a mobile medication unit in each Empire State Development Region.
- Mobile Medication Unit II (# SUPP1012) - Up to a total of $3.3 million in Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Block Grant funds is available to assist Opioid Treatment Programs in developing mobile medication units. One-time awards of up to $550,000 will be made to each awardee.
- Opioid Treatment Program Additional Location - We're requesting applications for one-time funding of up to $200,000 to develop Opioid Treatment Center Additional Locations throughout underserved communities in NY to increase access to medication treatment for Opioid Use Disorder.
- Paid Prevention Internship Opportunity - Up to $900,000 is available for OASAS prevention providers to support the recruitment and establishment of a paid internship position for up to 12 months.
- Paid Prevention Internship Opportunity - Up to $1 million in funding is available for certified and funded Prevention providers to establish and support paid internship positions to recruit talented, skilled, knowledgeable, and diverse staff to the field.
- Primary Prevention Infrastructure - One-time funding to support continued primary prevention infrastructure development.
- Stabilization Funding - $20 million in federal funding through the SAPT Supplemental Block Grant program to assist addiction service providers with loss of revenue and operating expenses incurred as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic.
- Workforce Development Funding - Through the SAPT Supplemental Block Grant funding opportunity, OASAS is providing non-proprietary prevention, treatment and recovery service providers Workforce Development/Training awards.
- Community Prevention and Intervention Project (CPIP) - Funding is available to develop and support comprehensive prevention services in underserved areas of the state. Up to $300,000 per year is available until 2025 for a total of up to 12 awards; One in each of the region outlined in the RFA.
- Transitional Housing Unit Initiative - An opportunity for OASAS Permanent Housing Providers to provide rental subsidies for individuals with a substance use disorder who are homeless/at risk of homelessness and exiting a residential substance use disorder treatment program or the criminal justice system with a history of SUD.
- College Prevention Initiative - Funding is available to support and implement evidence-based practices and strategies (EBPS) on State University of New York (SUNY) or City University of New York (CUNY) community college campuses to prevent or reduce substance misuse.
- College Prevention Initiative (Downstate) - Up to $100,000 is available for the College Prevention Initiative to deliver strategies that prevent substance misuse on campuses that host Educational Opportunity Centers (EOCs).
- Homeless Shelter in Reach - Up to $2.75 million in one-time funding is available to reduce adverse substance use incidents in shelters in order to improve client health and housing outcomes by providing and connecting at risk individuals to clinical services and peer supports
- Outreach and Engagement Services - The primary goal of outreach is meeting people in the community who may use substances and/or have a substance use disorder, and typically are not engaged in substance use disorder treatment services. Over time, Outreach and Engagement Service (OES) staff will establish a connection and build trust with individuals while familiarizing them with SUD services including harm reduction, SUD treatment, and/or recovery support services. People served may or may not ultimately engage in treatment services, however, if an individual expresses an interest in entering care, they should be linked to the appropriate level of care.
Info Sessions
Regularly held information sessions update providers on the status of certain SAPT initiatives.
FAQs and Meeting Attachments
May 2, 2023
April 6, 2023
March 2, 2023
February 2, 2023
January 5, 2023
December 1, 2022
September 21, 2022
June 8, 2022
May 12, 2022
- Questions & Answers
- Certification Under Executive Order No. 16: Prohibiting State Agencies and Authorities from Contracting with Businesses Conducting Business in Russia
April 8, 2022
October 28, 2021
Be sure to consult Local Service Bulletin (LSB 2019-03): Requirements Under the Federal Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Block Grant as well as the state and federal guidance below.
SAMHSA Letter on COVID Funding
Letter from SAMHSA to States on Coronavirus Response and Relief Act Guidance – March 11, 2021
SAMHSA Notice of Award - COVID Funding
Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act Funding - March 11, 2021
OASAS Supplemental Plan - COVID Funding
OASAS’ Supplemental Plan submitted to SAMHSA – April 5, 2021
SAMHSA Letter on APRA Funding
Letter from SAMHSA to States on American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Block Grant Guidance - May 18, 2021
OASAS Supplemental Plan – ARPA
OASAS plan submitted to SAMHSA on July 2, 2021 for the supplemental funds awarded under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 or ARPA.
Supplemental SAPT Reporting
Guidance for OASAS providers on reporting SAPT Supplemental award funding on the annual Consolidated Fiscal Report.