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Building on Traditional Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Programs
Expanding Regional Programming
Many OASAS providers offer expanded services that build on traditional prevention, treatment, and recovery programs. Locally-based services address the needs of specific counties and regions and offer additional support to individuals, families, and communities, affected by addiction.
- Prevention Resource Centers work with schools and community coalitions statewide to implement and strengthen evidence-based prevention strategies.
- Problem Gambling Resource Centers are hubs that provide education and information to communities and connect New Yorkers to prevention and treatment services.
- Regional Addiction Resource Centers are regional hubs that connect NYers to appropriate services and work to increase community education and raise awareness about addiction.
- Recovery Centers offer non-clinical recovery supports in the form of emotional, informational, instrumental (concrete) support and positive affiliation.
- 24/7 Open Access Centers and Outreach and Engagement Services increase access to assessments, referrals, and familial support.
- Youth Clubhouses provide non-clinical, drug-free environments for recreation and skill-building.
- Peer Engagement Specialists and Family Support Navigators help individuals and families understand addiction and navigate treatment and insurance systems.
- Housing Providers help homeless or at-risk families with a history of substance use disorder obtain stable housing and employment, which promotes recovery.
If you are a prospective or certified provider seeking regional support, contact the regional office in your catchment area.
Learn About OASAS Providers Provider Profiles
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