Through its Education and Training Provider Certification process, OASAS reviews course work and training offered through accredited colleges or universities; governmental agencies; professional organizations; training institutes; in-service training programs; qualified trainers; distance learning providers; or special events/conferences to ensure the qualifications of instructors, relevance of coursework for OASAS credentialed individuals, and compliance with Part 853 (Credentialing of Addictions Professionals) Regulations.
If you are interested in becoming a Certified Education and Training Provider, first determine which type of certification and application is right for you.
Education and Training Provider Curriculum Overview & Application Instruction Packet
Discover the various types of education and training certification programs, as well as qualifications, curriculum and application instructions for each.
SBIRT Training Provider Packet
Understand the Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) standardized curriculum, training certification requirements, certification process and how to apply to become an SBIRT training provider.
Prior Consultation Requirement
An application for Prior Consultation is required for CASAC-350, CPS-120, CPP-250 and Gambling Designation Standardized Curriculum Programs.
Requesting an Appointment for Prior Consultation:
1. Prospective applicants should submit a brief summary of their proposal to [email protected] (Subject Line: Prior Consultation Request), to include the following:
- OASAS-certified Education Training Provider (ETP) Name and Number (if applicable)
- Proposed program type (i.e. Academic, Continuing Education, Community-based)
- Documentation that program meets one of the eligible educational entity types for certification
→ See Certification Eligibility Requirements (Page 2)
- Any affiliations with any OASAS-certified/non-OASAS prevention, treatment, recovery or educational/training entities
- Administrative and training team makeup (include contact information for primary applicant)
- Total number of administrative and instructional staff
- Minimum requirements for each administrative and instructional role
- Prior experience/qualifications (may provide copies of CVs, resumes, instructor qualification forms, etc.)
- Proposed schedule of course offerings (e.g. daytime/evening/ weekend, operational/instructional hours, etc.) consistent with instructional staffing levels
2. The Education & Training Provider (ETP) Coordinator will review the proposal and contact the primary applicant to schedule a Webex meeting/conference call.
3. Following the prior consultation meeting, the primary applicant will receive an e-mail notification with an eligibility determination, which will include:
- Determination of Eligibility - Permission to proceed with application submission and additional supplemental documentation requirements; or
- Determination of Ineligibility - Clearly documented justification for determination. This notification will also serve to advise that you must wait a minimum of 6-months from the date of the e-mail determination prior to submitting a subsequent proposal for a CASAC-350/CPP-250/CPS-120/ - Gambling Designation Standardized Curriculum Program.
CASAC 350-Hour
Prospective applicants must request a prior consultation with the Learning and Development Unit prior to submitting any application/curriculum materials for review to [email protected].
→See Standardized Curriculum Application Prior Consultation Requirement Process guidance
College and University-Based
Education and Training Provider Information/Agreement PDS 17.1A
The initial certification application is for providers of the 350-hour, 250-hour, 120-hour, 60-hour, and 30-hour standardized curricula.
CASAC 350-Hour Certificate Program- Academic Institution (PDS-17.4, Part C)
Academic 350-hour program information form
Distance Learning Certification Criteria (PDS-17.0)
Criteria for submission of individual course work and training offered in the distance learning format.
Application for Initial Training Providers (PDS-17.1, Part A)
Education and training providers offering an OASAS standardized curriculum for initial credentials.
CASAC 350-Hour Certificate Program - Community Based (PDS-17.4, Part C)
Community-based 350 Program Information form
CPS 120-Hour and CPP 250-Hour
Prospective applicants must request a prior consultation with the Learning and Development Unit prior to submitting any application/curriculum materials for review to [email protected].
→See Standardized Curriculum Application Prior Consultation Requirement Process guidance
Application for Initial Training Providers (PDS-17.1, Part A)
Education and training providers offering an OASAS standardized curriculum for initial credentials.
Distance Learning Certification Criteria (PDS-17.0)
Criteria for submission of individual course work and training offered in the distance learning format.
Gambling Curriculum
Prospective applicants must request a prior consultation with the Learning and Development Unit prior to submitting any application/curriculum materials for review to [email protected].
→See Standardized Curriculum Application Prior Consultation Requirement Process guidance
Application for Initial Training Providers (PDS-17.1, Part A)
Education and training providers offering an OASAS standardized curriculum for initial credentials.
CPP 30-Hour Gambling Core Curriculum (PDS-17.6, Part E)
Application and information for providing the problem gambling core curriculum with a prevention focus.
CASAC 60-Hour Gambling Core Curriculum (PDS-17.6, Part E)
Application and information for providing the problem gambling core curriculum with a treatment focus.
Individual Coursework
Application for Renewal Training Providers (PDS-17.1R, Part A)
Education and training providers offering coursework for the renewal of a credential.
Education and Training Provider Course Work (PDS-17.2, Part B)
Training Information form for coursework for education and training providers
Distance Learning Certification Criteria (PDS-17.0)
Criteria for submission of individual course work and training offered in the distance learning format.
SBIRT Provider
SBIRT Provider Application (PDS-39.1, Part A)
Information and agreement for prospective SBIRT training providers
Train the Trainer
The OASAS Training unit offers free, regional Train-the-Trainer (TTT) programs for local trainers interested in delivering OASAS curricula, as follows:
- Information requested in the application includes experience in the addiction field and in the specific TTT topic; and appropriate qualifications as a trainer.
- Applications will be reviewed, the need for the training and the number of active trainers in the specified region is assessed and TTT participants are selected to attend.
- Trainers selected to then attend the TTT training which consists of an overview of the Training Manual's framework and content, practice presentations and are provided guidance on how to plan and deliver the curriculum.
Faculty Certification
To obtain Faculty certification in a curriculum, the trainer must: present two scheduled trainings of the curriculum to a combined total of 30 trainees in the trainer's region, at no cost; submit evaluations for at least 90 percent of the total number of trainees, as indicated on attendance rosters; and receive, at a minimum, an overall satisfactory rating by trainees.
To maintain Faculty certification in a curriculum, the Faculty Member must: present two scheduled trainings of the curriculum during the three-year certification period to at least 50 participants; submit evaluations from at least 90 percent of the total number of trainees, as indicated on attendance rosters; and receive, at a minimum, an overall satisfactory rating by trainees.