Types of Treatment

Treatment and recovery services exist on a continuum to address the unique needs of each NYer, every step of the way.

Screening & Assessment

If you are unsure about the level of care you require, you should seek out a personalized substance use disorder Screening and Assessment. An assessment is simply a conversation led by a professional counselor with the individual and/or their loves ones, to help determine if a substance use disorder is present or there is a high risk of developing a substance use disorder. Assessments help us identify which options are best for that individual. Counselors employed in OASAS-certified outpatient program can complete an assessment, talk through your options, and make recommendations for the appropriate course of treatment.

If you think you might have a problem but you're not sure, talk to your doctor. You can also call the HOPEline at 1-877-8-HOPENY, Operators provide three referrals to assessment services in your area.

Search for Outpatient Provider:

  1. Open up the OASAS Provider and Program Look-up tool.
  2. Narrow your search by proximity or location.
  3. Under the Program Name/Type section, select Outpatient Services from the dropdown menu and hit 'Submit'.


To search for an open slot in an outpatient treatment or bedded program near you:
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Crisis Services

Crisis services provide a variety of treatment options designed to provide immediate care for people who are intoxicated or incapacitated by their use of alcohol or other substances. The primary goal of these services is to manage withdrawals from substances, as well as medical and psychiatric complications during withdrawals. Crisis services include detox services, and are also designed to facilitate connections to continued care.


Search for Crisis Services

  1. Open up the OASAS Provider and Program Look-up tool.
  2. Narrow your search by proximity or location.
  3. Under the Program Name/Type section, select Crisis Services from the dropdown menu and hit 'Submit'.


To search for an open slot in an outpatient treatment or bedded program near you:


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Outpatient Services

Outpatient facilities provide clinical services for people with an addiction to substances and their families who have been impacted by their addiction. Outpatient services may be delivered at different levels of intensity according to the needs of the patient. These services include counseling, education, and connections to community services.


Search for Outpatient Services

  1. Open up the OASAS Provider and Program Look-up tool.
  2. Narrow your search by proximity or location.
  3. Under the Program Name/Type section, select Outpatient Services from the dropdown menu and hit 'Submit'.


To search for an open slot in an outpatient treatment or bedded program near you:
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Opioid Treatment

Opioid Treatment Centers (OTP) are OASAS-certified sites where medication to treat opioid dependency is administered. These medications can include methadone, buprenorphine, and suboxone. In addition to medications, these facilities also offer counseling and educational services. In some cases, patients receiving services at an OTP clinic are provided treatment over a lifetime, similar to management of chronic physical ailments. Medications can also be used in the short-term to reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings in the earliest stages of recovery.


Search for Opioid Treatment Programs

  1. Open up the OASAS Provider and Program Look-up tool.
  2. Narrow your search by proximity or location.
  3. Under the Program Name/Type section, select Opioid Treatment Program from the dropdown menu and hit 'Submit'.


To search for an open slot in an outpatient treatment or bedded program near you:
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Inpatient Rehabilitation

Inpatient programs provide a safe and supportive setting for the evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of people with substance use disorders. These facilities offer 24-hour, 7-day a-week care that is supervised at all times by a medical professional. Inpatient services include intensive management of symptoms related to addiction and monitoring of the physical and mental complications resulting from substance use.


Search for Inpatient Rehabilitation

  1. Open up the OASAS Provider and Program Look-up tool.
  2. Narrow your search by proximity or location.
  3. Under the Program Name/Type section, select Inpatient Treatment Services from the dropdown menu and hit 'Submit'.


To search for an open slot in an outpatient treatment or bedded program near you:
Search Treatment Availability Dashboard

Residential Services

Residential services are designed for people who are in need of support in their recovery, and may not be able to participate in treatment without a 24-hour residential setting. Residential services are designed to develop or maintain recovery through a structured, substance-free setting, and can include group support, skills development related to independent living, and other services designed to promote recovery.


Search for Residential Services

  1. Open up the OASAS Provider and Program Look-up tool.
  2. Narrow your search by proximity or location.
  3. Under the Program Name/Type section, select Residential Services from the dropdown menu and hit 'Submit'.
To search for an open slot in an outpatient treatment or bedded program near you:
Search Treatment Availability Dashboard

Regional Services

Many OASAS providers offer expanded services that build on traditional prevention, treatment, and recovery programs. Locally-based services address the needs of specific counties and regions and offer additional support to individuals, families, and communities, affected by addiction. 

These regional services include: