
"High five for staying home."
""Virtual high five for social distancing (even among the closest friends)!"
"High five for staying home and reading Harry Potter!"
"High five for facetime. Stop the Spread!"
"Ayuda salvar vidas. Practica distancia social. #VirtualHighFive"
"Staying home saves LIVES!!! #VirtualHighFive"
"Choca los cinco por distanciamento social!"
"6 feet. Keep your distance. Stay safe. Save lives. [virtual] High five."
"Sending a virtual high five from home to STOP THE SPREAD (even though I'd rather send a hug ♥)."
"Stop the spread. Stay home now...enjoy face-to-face later."

"High five for my friends...High five for zoom dance parties."
"Together WE HEAL. (Hi 5)."
"Hi 5. Stay home. Save Lives."
"Stop the Spread!!! High five for working from home."
"Virtual High Five. It's real. Stay home. Use virtual tech."
"Por favor quedate en casa...slava vidas."
"Stay strong. Stay safe. Stay home. Keep in touch using virtual communication."
"#ChocalaVirtual Juego en casa para salvar vidas."
"High five for staying home and stopping the spread."
"Nos quedamos casa para salvar vidas!♥ #ChocaVirtual"